Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 4- Pueblo Del Rio, Jurgallon, Orphanage, Heartache, Heart-changing

Have you ever felt as though you didn't deserve to be accepted into a community so freely? Those who have gone on missions trips can perhaps relate to what I mean by that statement. I will further explain what I mean by this statement, hoping you can understand somewhat.

This was the first day we could “sleep” in as breakfast was at eight and we didn't need to get up until seven. I started my day earlier, as was routine, at five! Although I was tired, I couldn't sleep any longer than that. But starting off one’s day early, comes with advantages, such as more quiet places available for prayer and meditation on God’s Word. 

After breakfast, we loaded one of the buses with 400 food bags, TOMS shoes, chairs, tables, and few other things that we needed for the day.

 Before we headed to Jurgallon (at least I think that is how you spell it J), we stopped at Pueblo Del Rio, the village where Thomas Road Baptist Church(TRBC) has been working on various projects. For a long time, no one really knew that this village existed, as it is near a river which is well hidden. The bus was parked at about a twenty-minute walking distance from the village. Drawing closer to the village, we saw people and children all peeking out of their windows, with curiosity. At first, there weren’t too many children in sight, but as we walked into the church that was built by TRBC, children started coming, mostly with just siblings, but also some with their mothers. We took advantage of this opportunity to give out stuffed toys, candy, bubbles, crayons with colored paper, and other little things we brought for the children. To watch their faces receiving these gifts was priceless. Each child attempted to grab as much as they could, as you can see in these photos below.

Water well at Pueblo Del Rio
Inside the church TRBC built

After finishing giving out what we can, we started walking back. As we walked towards a “little hill”, we had to wait for cattle to walk by before we could continue onto our destination. What a scene it was!  Never coming across anything like this, it definitely caught us off guard!

Once we got to Jurgallon, we witnessed people waiting for the food and shoe distribution. Our team was broken into three groups, some helping with the food distribution, some giving out shoes, and others washing feet. Since our team was bigger, we had to switch off on some things. At first I got to wash children’s feet, as it was mentioned in another blog I wrote earlier, but after I switched off with other team members I had some time to communicate with the locals, or attempt to with as much Spanish as I knew. Before I could find some children to chat with, a little girl that found me first. When I say she found me, it almost felt like she choose me. Or maybe it was God that let her choose me in order to break my heart for what breaks His.

See what I didn’t realize till later was that I washed one of the girl’s friend’s feet. The girl that broke my heart is the girl in the blue, as you see in the picture.

The girl in the white, was the girl who’s feet I washed. They were sitting next to each other as I washed one of their feet and Robin (another lady on our team) washed the girls feet that is in the blue color shirt. Though I asked her name, I couldn't remember what-so-ever since there were about four of the girls standing around and I couldn't remember each child’s name! But what I did remember was her age and how many brothers and sisters she has. She is thirteen with 7 siblings, 5 brothers, 2 sisters, and her. These girls just continued hugging me to the point where I thought I’d lose my balance! :)  I cherished these moments with them, but time came when we needed to load the buses back up. As we were doing that, the girl in the blue carried boxes with me and helped with loading everything up! She remained around me and wasn't ready to leave my side. While walking back to the bus, she walked along with me, clinging tightly to me. My heart was not ready to leave, nor to leave this little new friend I had made. Even as I got onto the bus, she searched for me, and when her friend first spotted me, she pointed her in my direction. I waved to her and she continued waving back to me. My heart broke for her to the point where tears started streaming down my face. As I was watched her, as the bus started pulling away, she too, was wiping tears away. These recollections, still bring tears to my eyes each time, because as I previously stated, it was as she that choose me. This stands as a reminder for me that, this is the way in which God chooses us. He choose us to serve Him, and He chooses us to go on  such trips for a reason. Also as He chooses us, when people stray from Him, it breaks His heart more than we know. If this situation broke my heart as much as it did, I can’t imagine how much His heart breaks for His beloved children, who choose to fill their desires rather than serve Him.

After having lunch, and coming back to Hope of Life, we were asked to paint the baby rescue center while the children spent the afternoon outside. We again split into two teams. Being in the first group, we painted inside the biggest room at the baby rescue center, then we switched off with the second group that finished painting the hallways. As we waited for the second group to finish, we got to play with the children outside. Most of the time, I got to hold Esperanza! What a precious child she is!
Painting the Baby Rescue Center

Jenri and a friend overlooking :)

After finishing up, we had to clean up swiftly, as we were heading over to the Orphanage for a pizza/ piƱata party! When we got there, I went straight to the upstairs area which can be classified as their “play area”. I spotted a boy towards the back, laying alone trying to watch a movie that was on for the kids. I went over to him right away, starting asking him questions and also just trying to break him out of his “shell”, which I love doing! This boy’s name is Carlos, who is nine years old. I asked him if I can take a picture with him, and he said only one… So we took this one.
Well a picture on my camera, at least one..

And a picture on my phone with him!

I tried to play with him a bit more, but he was too shy. So I showed him that I was going downstairs where the tables were so he knew where to find me, if he decided to join. As soon as I walk down and sat down, about two minutes later, he came running down the stairs towards me! My heart melted! As he sat on my lap and we spent time together drawing. We then proceeded to the playground with him; as we were running around, my heart was captured! My heart ached knowing that this boy has no family. He is an orphan. It was breaking me inside, but in that moment God reminded me that He was giving me this opportunity to show him love as the He has first loved us.

My favorite picture of all times!

 Funny thing was that as we spent more time together he wanted to take so much more pictures with me and then also with him showing me a heart, and then telling me that was for me. How can your heart not melt? I got to meet few other kids that I fell in love with. They are such precious children that have huge hearts as well. Once time came to leave, it was hard once again, with the kids that were around me most of the night, hugging me not once or twice, but many many times, it was difficult.

Walking away to the bus, a team member mentioned to me, that after seeing me all day connecting with children from everywhere, he said “you’re just a magnet to them, they love you.” I started tearing up once again because I really fell in love with all the children that I met through the day, and my heart broke that I was leaving them. What I wrote that evening about the day was, “I’m honestly not ready to go back and really don’t want too…” It is hard knowing that you have to leave, but once again there is that hope knowing you will be back one day soon! One thing that, every time I drove in the yellow bus or see one that passes me now, my heart breaks from these moments, remembering the looks on the children’s faces as we were leaving. My heart is forever changed.  

As the day ended, once again we got together for devotions, and also talked about what God revealed to us, or what has made us think. One of the girls mentioned how when we went into Pueblo Del Rio, the children who came to us seemed, as though they were cleaned up for us. The parents tried to dress them in their best. It made me think, who are we? It is not as though we are famous or special in any way, but yet they tried dressing their best, to represent themselves well. We were accepted into this community so well. They didn't have to try their best, but they did. This is what I was referring to that sometimes when you are accepted into a community, you may feel as though you don’t deserve it. 

Stay tuned for next time for more about the baby rescues, feeding center at the dump, as well as other mission trip events. God’s blessing to you all! 

Feel free to comment or ask questions, I can always try to answer them :) 

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13