Today, as I drove to work, I was listening to the radio host who was giving some “news of the day.” Well it is news, but sometimes they add in other things that are pertaining to the Christian world, because after all it is a Christian radio station. What they mentioned was about the pope and how he broke the regular tradition and on Thursday, he washed 12 inmates’ feet and kissed them. This in itself is surprising to many. Some may look at it, thinking what in the world, as others are in “awe” that he would put himself down to that level to do something that is beyond peoples mind. This was an act of humility as the radio host said. Getting into work, I decide to read about it and see peoples comments. Many of the people, as expected, were pleasingly astounded that a pope would do something like this. My first thought, was “ummm” and also remembering Guatemala, of course.
We got to wash kids feet, that were dirty with the dust they walked on. We got to wipe them clean and give them something new in return. As others were saying that the feet washing from the pope was an act of humility, I agree it was, but not only that. I was also remembering and reading about when Jesus washed his disciples feet. Usually, it would be a servants job to clean the feet of the guests after walking through the dirty, dusty roads, but at the last supper Jesus took the towel, poured water into a basin and started washing His disciples feet. This story can be found in John 13:1-17.
Through this act, He not only showed humility, but also expressed pure love, and the foundation for true servant leadership. This foundation has become a model for Christians today and forever. So as we reflect on this story, and things we do, we need to remember what Jesus really wanted us to remember from this story. This is written in verse 16: "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." Keep having a servant heart and showing humility as Christ did. You will continue to become more like Christ.
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