Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First thoughts on returning to America

As few days passed since my return from my trip, I have had people tell me to write, which would help with the re-entry process and also to share with others about what our team has seen and done through the week at Hope of Life. This trip was God given to me, whether some will believe it or not. He has provided for this trip through friends and family who really truly blessed me. I am so thankful for that!

As this trip was coming closer, I was so excited and waiting anxiously for the trip to come. Even though, I knew that I would not know anyone who was coming, I just prayed for it and for our team. I also started praying for the re-entry process that would come after. Though I did so much research and probably read and watched every video out there about Hope of Life, nothing really prepares you for what is to come during it. My heart already broke just seeing children dying, and people living in poverty, but truly, I look back and realize that I really didn’t understand it till I seen it first-hand. Like I mentioned to some people before, the verse James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep onself from being polluted by the world,” has hit me what it really means when I was there in Guatemala. And for that I am thankful for, because this is where Christ’s heart is. He loved the children and took care of the poor, and my heart yearns to do that even more now than ever before, because our team got to do it first-hand.

The people in Guatemala have captured my heart! My body is home, but my heart is still there.

I can’t really put it in words yet, and I don’t know if anything I say will make sense, but I’m trying. One of my team members, Savannah Spalding has said it perfectly, “Right now, He wants a brokenhearted child of God who is longing to be a vessel, pouring out His love into the lives of others. So again, I pray a prayer that I never dreamed of uttering. I pray that I'm continuously broken for Him, never content with what the world deems as accomplished, but always searching for what my God wants to accomplish through me.”(

I am so happy that God gave an opportunity to serve with 30 people who have become my family! I love them all a lot and am glad that they will be able to understand these emotions. I hope that in next posts, I will be able to put it in words to explain all that we did and saw. I pray it will encourage you as well. God bless you all, and until the next time! J

"Intense love does not measure, it just gives." Mother Teresa

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